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"40's Not Old!"

Copyright 1996, Tano Music

Words & Music by Tom Sperrazzo


How much of conversation's spent in vain examination of our ages?

And as one approaches middle age, there's more and more concern

We might be turning into something really old!

It's tempting to be somber and reflective--

But for a moment, put it in perspective...


The city found at Troy has crumbled and sequoias

Humble us for all their years..

They tell me that you're hittin' 40--

That ain't no reason for tears!

A fossil's prehistoric, a comet meteoric--

Antiques a thousand-fold!

They tell me that you're nearly 40--

But 40 isn't that old!


And from some ancient pharoah's tomb

Are relics that are on display;

So run to the museum, to the Neolithic Room,

If you ever need to understand decay!


Methusala was older, there's centuries in boulders,

And don't forget those Dead Sea scrolls!

So when you think of hittin' 40--

Remember, 40's NOT OLD!


Consider Stonehenge or the Sphinx,

The pyramids in Mexico--

The wonder of antiquity should really make you think:

"Compared to these, I guess I'm not so old!"


You're younger than a tortoise, the friends a brontasaurus

Left behind have turned to coal;

So when you think of hittin' 40--

You've got a lot to live, it's only relative--

Give yourself a break, 'cause 40's NOT OLD!


00:00 / 03:08

Song facts:

  • Written for my sister Marian, for that most dreadful day!

  • My greatest appreciation to Dave Frishberg for 'teaching' me how to write like this!

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