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Copyright 2012, Tano Music

Words & Music by Tom Sperrazzo

You say you worship with praise and song;

Your heart is Godly and your faith is strong;

You say you stand and proclaim His name.

But it's not ENOUGH--no, no.


You send your treasure to far and near;

You live the Good News, your prayers sincere;

Your doors are open to anyone;

But it's not ENOUGH--no, my friend, that's not ENOUGH.


Where is the unending sacrifice made for you?

The history He gave to you?

One Church for all mankind?


You trust the Good Book to show the way;

You bring in brothers who have strayed away;

You preach with fire that stirs the heart,

But is that ENOUGH?  No, no--that's not ENOUGH.


Where is the Servant of Servants ordained for you?

The Rock that He named for you?

The line He's maintained for you since we set our sails?


So when you choose where to go to pray.

So many houses of Truth today!

And when you stand to acclaim your Lord, ask yourself:

Is this ENOUGH?


Where are the Fathers who learned from the Holy Ones?

The chants that the Martyrs sung?

The heresies overcome?

The mother who saw it start?

Who fostered his Sacred Heart?

Who God set from sin apart

The Rock that He named for you?

The line He's maintained for you since we set our sails?

00:00 / 02:52

Song facts:

  • Asks the question whether individual worship is 'enough' to substantiate a relationship with Christ

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