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Copyright 2011, Tano Music

Words & Music by Tom Sperrazzo

Young was I when I turned from you,

Though she taught me the ancient Way;

Searched for those who said that Man was meant to rule;

They joined my power with the words to say:


"All that the world has ever seen

Can be known by the Mind of men!

He who trains his mind commands all of life!"

Could I know it was all a lie?


You are more than a man could ever see;

You are more than a mind could ever know;

You are All, you're the All-in-All,

And you have my soul!


How did she see beyond my mind

Did she care that my heart was blind?

Was my condescending way complete disgrace?

Now I live by my mother's faith!



00:00 / 03:47

Song facts:

  • Tribute to St. Augustine of Hippo, who was sure he could find God through his intellect, but who ultimately realized that the heart was the real gateway to understanding God

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